Who We Are
We are a faithful Christian Congregation, believers in Christ Jesus. We believe that Jesus died at the cross of Calvary and rose from the grave after three days to give us eternal life. His precious atoning blood has brought us back to the fold of God, has cleansed us from all our sins. Thus, we are made whole and pure once again to freely call upon His holy name. We also believe that the holy Bible is God’s infallible Word, the absolute and final rule of faith and life. We believe in the Holy Spirit – the indwelling and infilling of the same Spirit that produces diverse spiritual gifts. Finally, Jesus Christ has come in the flesh and whosoever shall call and believe in His name shall be saved! (Romans 10:13, John 1:24, John 3:16, John 1:12).
Our Mission - The Great Commission
Our mission is to share the Gospel worldwide. It is an exciting journey to fulfill the Great Commission spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. Bringing the Gospel is sharing the precious gift of eternal salvation which is in Christ Jesus alone. Reaching out to the lost, empowering God's people, equipping our leaders, and strengthening His church are the core of our ministry.
Our Vision - Spreading the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth
Our vision is the central theme of our ministry and the heart of every believer. Tirelessly, we travel from one nation to another, proclaiming and spreading the love of Jesus. Sharing the love of Jesus Christ is sharing the hope that brings perfect gift of restoration, healing, and salvation.