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 Benjamin A. Ytac, Jr., M.Th., Th.D. (c)


February 2016


Did  You Know That Isaac Prayed For Twenty (20) Years  On Behalf Of His Wife?


Genesis 25:21 says that Isaac prayed on behalf of his wife because she was barren. Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah (Genesis 25:20). The Scripture says that the Lord answered him and Rebekah conceived.  Reading through verse 26,  Rebekah gave birth to Esau and Jacob when Isaac was sixty years of age – a miraculous unveiling of God’s eternal plan.

God’s Unbreakable Covenant  God has previously tested Abraham his faith for many years before He brought His program to pass. In the same manner, he tested Isaac - his patience, strength and faithfulness,   The LORD confirmed His covenant through Isaac after he prayed for twenty years.


A succinct Biblical example and comparison to illustrate the intensity produced by Isaac’s prayer that brought God’s covenant to pass is presented here to provide better picture in relation to the subject. The book of 1 Kings 19  details a paramount  information pointing to Elijah’s desperate condition as he waited for God’s divine intervention to put King Ahab’s wicked rule to an absolute halt. For three and a half years, the prophet had enough that he was ready to have God take his life (1 Kings 19:4).  God was present in Elijah’s life and He understands the breadth of challenges he confronted when trying to complete his mission.  For Isaac, it was twenty long years and yet he waited patiently, conscientiously and prayerfully.


Friends, it is by His grace alone so that a man is  privileged to partake God’s eternal purpose. Man’s insufficiency will not diminish God’s sufficiency, but consistent prayers will direct one's life to God’s consistent plan. (Email Pastor Benjamin Jr at or visit our website at




January 2016

Christian Lifestyle - Enjoying Church.


While most people love to stay in some cool and cozy places, I cannot remember anybody in my whole life who willingly choose to dwell in disarrayed form of life. Everybody loves to stay in a world that defines beauty and perfection. But wait! There is something to discover. The Bible speaks of the real deal - the reason you should stay.


The book of Jeremiah 42:10 speaks about the real blessing in staying. Here’s what the prophet said, “Stay here in this land. If you do, I will build you up and not tear you down; I will plant you and not uproot you. For I am sorry about all the punishment I have had to bring upon you.”  First, understand that it is God’s command to stay. Regardless of whatever reason you might think is valid, might not be true to God. Leaving is not an option but a deception when divine instruction has been served. Second, it is building up life. But how? In most cases, when people start to consider leaving, a situation is likely deteriorating – making no sense to stay. But wait again! When God spoke these words, the same was deteriorating in Jerusalem, under sieged by the Barbaric Battalions of  Babylonian Armed Forces and yet God spoke clearly that He is to build them up. What and how? The people grumbled! Isn’t it we grumble too when God ask us to stay at times we would not care to stay? But the best time to stay is when you best plan to leave. Stay or leave when God’s call demands.


His Invitation - Come!


The Bible speaks consistently on diverse occasions about the word-subject “come.” Jesus said in the book of Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Aforementioned is a personal invitation that requires a personal response and acceptance. In return, you are guaranteed of a personalized reward – your personal name that incorporates your first and last name engraved in the book of Life by God’s hand. While on earth, you gain your full rights and benefits under God's terms and according to His unconditional love.


There is also a separate passage in the Scripture that indicates an equal importance on the subject. In the book of Psalm 95:1-2, the Psalmist designated the word “come” twice on the same occasion, on both verses (1-2). The consistent replication and usage of the word triggered my spirit to engage an in-depth study and discovery that I wish to share. The Hebrew word used in this passage is “HALAK” and it is in the verb form. To pronounce it properly you may say “HAW-LAK.” It simply means, 1. To come, 2. To go, or 3. To walk. A practical application concerning this passage relates that it is God’s desire and instruction that His people should walk rejoicing with thanksgiving in their hearts. That is the theme here. However, the theme expands from a fundamental point of view to an exhaustive Theological exploration that embraces God’s infinite wisdom and knowledge.


Theological Exploration


A Divine Command – (verse 1) “O COME let us sing unto the LORD.” The word “come” is a duo biblical connotation, a divine instruction in a form of a distinctive invitation. The Psalmist, through an oversized deliberation of the word, emphasized an absolute obedience required or reinforced obedience.


A Call To Unity – (verse 1) “ LET US make a joyful noise to the Rock of our Salvation.” The word “come” (halak) stretches to define a continuing journey (walking - in present  progressive tense)  in  unity or oneness in heart, as God having demonstrated His Unity in Gen. 1:26, “And God said, LET US make man in our own image…” Division, on the contrary, prevents and destroys God’s people to fulfilling a divinely instructed Halak. Unity is divinity while division is man’s own creation.


A Must Sanctity – (verse 2) “Let us come before his PRESENCE with thanksgiving…”  The word “presence” signifies strong biblical implication in reference to an amplified description of  the presence of  the Holy One or The Anointed One of Israel who is  the  Rock of our Salvation which is Christ Jesus our Lord mentioned in 1 Cor 10:4. Holiness is the inseparable nature of every true believer imputed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to enable, empower, educate and equip every believer, and subsequently preserve one’s holiness in the Kingdom of God. Holiness defines the fullness of God’s unblemished nature – the same nature being shared to His people as mentioned in 2 Cor 5:17. This is somehow unbelievable but biblically attainable.


One of God’s awesome characteristics is found in the book of Deuteronomy 31:6, when Moses spoke these words saying, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them (wicked people), for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." There is one important message that vibrantly describes this particular passage, a perpetual promise that inspires every believer from every tribe and every generation to understand well who God really is. Amazing to discover much even rejoicing to accept the truth that our God will never abandon His people and will never run away in all situations. A divine figure that can be yours when you truly surrender and receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Indeed, He is our God who walks with us through life’s journey. My question is, have you surrendered your life to walk with Him at times when He wants to walk with you? Alternatively, you have been wandering from one place to another in search of an answer but could not find - emptiness is still there. No better place for an empty heart. It is only Jesus that truly satisfies. Thank you for allowing us to share God's precious word. God bless you my friend. When you get a chance, visit us, we are easy to find, and we are here to stay.



Pastor Benjamin's Library Opening Soon...


Mailing address:

c/o Pastor Benjamin A. Ytac, jr.

6449 Wetherole Street Apt 3E

Rego Park, New York 11374

United States of America

Phone: +1-347-761-2268


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